Phresh Hyperfan V1

Size: 150mm
Sale price$150.00


To ensure your indoor garden runs as efficiently as possible, the vibration-free Hyper Fan is truly one of the best on the market. In a class of their own with innovative

features, benefits and value, these super fans can greatly reduce energy costs.

• Uses up to half the power and produces half the heat of current leading alternatives
• Produces up to 2.4 inches of water pressure
• Guaranteed improved reliability and increased lifespan
• Greatly reduces energy costs
• Delivers more air movement through ducting, carbon filters and air cooled hoods
• Includes detachable speed controllers

With a next generation ‘multi-phase’ EC motor that energises the motor 12 times per revolution, power delivery to the fan blade is smooth, ultra-efficient and vibration-free.

Inspired by the jet engine to increase air flow, reduce noise and create the highest pressure way beyond anything else out there, The Hyper Fan is one impressive machine.

It’s even supplied with a detachable speed controller that is also independent of the power cord, allowing you to run between 35% and 100% capacity.

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