The ROOT iT Cutting Mist Spray is a highly effective solution for propagating, cloning and cutting, offering a range of benefits to your plants. This unique formula is ideal for soft and semi-hardwood materials, providing active ingredients that improve success rates and prevent failures.
To use, simply spray the mother plant 2-3 days before cutting new cuttings, and then spray the cuttings each day for the next three days after propagating. ROOT iT Cutting Mist can be used in combination with other products, such as RootiT Rooting Gel, Clonex Gel, or on its own.
This RTU spray bottle contains a balanced blend of vitamins and minerals that support successful cutting and cloning development, greatly improving your success rates. It's an essential tool for any grower who wants to give their plants the best chance to thrive. Plus, it's easy to apply and can even help to restore color in case of cuttings losing their vibrancy.